Potential lower flood insurance premiums for Jefferson Parish

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On Wednesday August 9, 2017, the Federal Emergency Management Agency approved Jefferson Parish’s new flood map, this could mean lower flood insurance premiums for thousands of property owners next year. The new rates will go into effect on Feb. 2 of 2018, but the Parish Council will have to adopt an ordinance reflecting the updated maps; which is expected to happen in the upcoming weeks. This is the first time the maps have been updated since 1995. The impact of the new 2018 digital maps mean:

  • Greater than 60,000 parcels decrease in the Base Flood Elevation, potentially decreasing risk based customer’s premium.
  • Greater than 40,000 parcels have a zone change from AE (high risk) to X (reduced risk), increasing the totals located in Zone X to greater than 90,000 parcels
  • A small number of parcels have an increase in Base Flood Elevation or change to a higher risk flood zone from X to AE.

More information about the flood map changes can be found in the following news article:

If you need information on financing and grants for elevating your home, please see our Elevation Grants Page.

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